Wednesday 16 November 2011

Prisoner of the modern day

I find myself longing for the days of old. Even though I was a child of the 90's I find everything these days to be to technological. Yes I understand the irony that I am going to be complaining about technology whilst using a computer to post on the internet. But what was wrong with human interaction? What was wrong with playing outside? I even remember the days when you could apply for a job just by walking in and picking up an application form, these days practically everything is done online.

I remember as a child, the joys of simple play, weither it be with toy cars inside or playing outside with friends. These days children have to much technology to even bother playing outside because they have Xbox's, PS3's and Nintendo Wii's to play on, everyone owns a mobile phone so the art of face to face convosation is starting to become a thing of the past. When I was a child, I will admit I had a games console but I didnt play on it all the time, I spent maybe 4 hours a week on it. I didnt get a mobile phone until I was 12 when I started high school so if I went out I could inform my mum if I wasnt going to be back for tea.

Now as a 21 year old I'm amazed at how kids these days behave, I'll admit I do sound like a complete old fart butkids these days baffle me. I see groups of them just standing on street crners doing nothing but stand there and playing music out of their phones, either that or being brainwashed by teenage magazines and teen pop acts into how to behave. Everyone of them seems to have 'Beiber Fever' or whatever its called, they are all obsessed in looking like teir 'idols' that all sense of individualism is lost. I really feel sorry for these kids because when they grow up they get pressured into doing other things like drink and drugs. I know that was a bit excessive but when I went to university, I stayed in what happened to be the druggies halls. Nearly everyone who lived in the halls of residence was on one sort of drug or the other and I honestly felt lost.

What will become of everything from the past? Will anything come back such as simple play or fun? Or will it remain a thing of the past and the world will forget even how to have a convosation? If the answer to this is no then I feel that I will become a dinosaur of a forgotten history.

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